понедельник, 17 сентября 2012 г.

The Truck Driver Shortage Is Back. - Journal of Transportation

Annette Carpenter, CEO of TruckersAmerica says: "Right now we are seeing a big jump in job orders - the largest jump in 12 months for drivers and owner operators. There is a major focus in the mid-western states, but we feel that within the next 6 weeks it will be nationwide. This week alone we have taken orders for 95 drivers that we need to fill within 2 weeks."

When there is a shortage of quality drivers, it makes hauling freight very difficult. 15 harvest driving jobs urgently need to be filled in North Dakota just as an example. 50 driving positions OTR running throughout the entire mid-west.

"Truck drivers are in such high demand right now, and realistically have little to no reason to be unemployed. Sure, the work conditions can be different, they are not usually a normal 9 to 5 job, but then again, in today"s economy, you rarely find anyone working 9 to 5. The difference is a driver needs to stay away from home and live on the road, for periods at a time. But view the glass as half full or half empty. A trucker is either away from home but supporting the family and lifestyle choices, or home watching TV waiting for local job," states Carpenter.

Truckers" wages and salaries vary, but in this industry and the busy season approaching, if truckers are available to run the miles, and run those miles safely, there is a very decent wage available.

Trucking is a career, a lifestyle choice. Given that the transportation companies are more aligned to what the driver needs nowadays, along with the implementation of CSA 2010, the driver is much more appreciated.

Related LinksTruck driving jobs available

Keywords: Shipping, Transportation, Trucking.

This article was prepared by Journal of Transportation editors from staff and other reports. Copyright 2011, Journal of Transportation via VerticalNews.com.

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