вторник, 25 июня 2013 г.

Crew Chief at Westfield

Job Purpose:
Locates and determines portion of earths surface by planning, conducting, and recording surveys; supporting legal proceedings.

* Plans survey by identifying purpose of survey, such as, topographic, hydrographic, construction, legal, cadastral, and control; researching previous survey evidence, maps, deeds and related records; schedules travel arrangements.

* Locates and determines land by measuring and calculating points, elevations, lines, angles, areas, and contours; contributing information to Geographic Information systems (GIS); laying out roads and improvements.

* Records survey by preparing notes, records, drawings; writing legal descriptions; applying computer aided design technologies.

* Prepares legally defensible findings by following American Land Title Association (ALTA) and American Congress on Surveying and Mapping (ACSM) guidelines, and related federal, state, and local laws and requirements.

* Supports legal proceedings by collecting, analyzing, and interpreting evidence; serving as an expert witness.

* Completes projects by coordinating requirements with acquisition, planning, development, construction, and holdings improvement departments, and government agencies.

* Updates job knowledge by tracking changes and developments in property law and boundary establishment and replacement; participating in educational opportunities; reading professional publications; maintaining personal networks; participating in professional organizations.

* Enhances department and organization reputation by accepting ownership for accomplishing new and different requests; exploring opportunities to add value to job accomplishments.

Surveillance Skills, Analyzing Information, Conceptual Skills, Map Reading, Reporting Research Results, Informing Others, Verbal Communication, Documentation Skills, Legal Administration Skills, Problem Solving
Country: USA, State: New Jersey, City: Westfield, Company: Company Confidential.

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